Many Christians struggle with guilt over masturbation, both men and women. But is this guilt a product of genuine Holy Spirit conviction or is it a culturally conditioned response? What does the Bible say about masturbation? These questions and more are answered in this podcast.
What Does The Bible Say About Masturbation

I total agree with you ,to discover your sexual freedom in Christ as a single man with sexual desire .I use to torment myself and beat myself up everything I look at a beautiful woman sexualy and when I mastbait ,I felt guilty and ashamed .I keep praying and asking God to help me not masterbait ,but I would always do it because the desire is always there .Now I understand that the way to help protect myself from sexual sin ,is to masterbait when the desire flares up untill I get married. I always thought that to have sexual fantasy was wrong to .Thankyou for the correct interpertion God’s word that set me free from the church’s wrong interpretation and help me discover one of my Christen rights as a single man of 8 years and I belive that was Paul’s main argument to the false teachers who twist scripture to bring God’s people back under the law (guilt and shame ) when we have freedom (legimate -practice) to keep our sexual desires in self control (not giving into sexual sin )