One of my subscribers asked “Do men enjoy spanking their wives and should they?” In this podcast I answer this question after first giving reasons from the Bible why the ancient practice of wife spanking is good for marriage.
Why Women Should Eat the Fruit of Their Husband’s Apple Tree
Where does the Bible command that women should perform oral sex (fellatio) on their husbands? Why does it command this? What techniques can be used by a wife to perform oral sex on her husband? What are the short term and long-term health benefits to women from performing fellatio? All these questions and more are answered in this podcast.
5 Biblical Ways To Reverence Your Husband
The Bible commands wives to reverence their husbands in Ephesians 5:33. But how can a woman reverence her husband in her every day life? In this two-hour podcast series, I take Christian wives on a survey of Psalm 45 and then apply a few other passages of the Bible to show them how they can practically live out God’s command for them to reverence their husbands.
A Biblical View of Respect and Reverence
The modern Christian church only teaches one kind of reverence and that is reverence for God. And it has replaced the Biblical teaching of reverence for certain human authorities with mere “respect”. In this series we will discuss the Biblical differences between respect and reverence and why it is important for us to bring back reverence in our society.
A Biblical Guide to the Divorce Process for Christian Men
Nearly half of marriages today end in divorce and 70 percent of those divorces are filed by women. Suicide rates are nearly double for men in divorce than for women. This guide is meant to help men find strength through the principles of God’s Word to fight the modern spiritual and legal war that is divorce. I am making this series available to both men and women so women can understand what men face and why our modern divorce process is so wrong.
Dear BGR – You Are Wrong About Your View of Forced Sex In Marriage
In this latest segment of my “Dear BGR” series, I address the concerns and differences that one my subscribers have with my teaching on the Biblical view of forced sex in marriage which in modern times is referred to as “marital rape”.
Abortion Is Only The Tip Of The Feminist Iceberg
With the news we heard this week that there is a strong chance that Roe vs Wade may be overturned we as conservative Christians cannot miss the bigger picture.
Abortion is simply the tip of the iceberg of feminism. In this podcast we will discuss what societal changes laid the ground work for abortion and how feminism in America has dismantled God’s order of patriarchy piece by piece for almost 170 years. We will also discuss how we as Bible believing Christians can return our society to God’s design.
7 Things That May Be Stopping You From Getting Married
Young people are having a harder time getting married today than at any point in human history. In this three-part podcast series, I take the Bible and show how our modern society’s rejection of patriarchy has caused finding a spouse to be much more difficult. But I also show from a Biblical perspective how young Christians can be putting obstacles in their way and keeping themselves from getting married.
Four Biblical Ways a Christian Wife Can Cope with a Cheating Husband
The world and sadly most churches today tell women to divorce their husbands when they cheat. But what does God’s Word say? The answer will surprise you.
Submissiveness, Reverence, Trustworthiness and Sexiness – 4 Habits Every Newlywed Wife Needs
Learn how to incorporate these four essential habits that will make you into the glorious wife God meant for you to be to your husband.